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Thale's Folly

My friends know I love books, and enjoy getting recommendations of books they have read.  It is good to read books outside of your comfort zone sometimes.  A friend recommended Thale's Folly by Dorothy Gilman to me. I put it on my list, and found it at the Florence/Lauderdale Public Library Saturday.  I finished reading it today.

I love every page, every sentence of this book. It was published in 1999, and I have missed it on the library shelves for a decade and a half.  Had it not been for Ruth recommending this book, I would have missed something wonderful.

Take my word for it, and check it out.  Right now, I am going to make some herbal tea.

[Basil,] being applied to the place bitten by venomous beasts, . . .it speedily draws the poison to it; Every like draws its like. . .Hilarius, a French physician, affirms upon his own knowledge, that an acquaintance of his, by common smelling to it, had a scorpion breed in his brain.   --Nicholas Culpepper, The Complete Herball, 1616
