The weather was almost perfect; just a little bit hot, but no rain like last year.
There were several redbone puppies for sale. They seems bored with all of us.
There were lots of folks sitting around, visiting, and listening to some good music. We were so glad to see our friend, Jake Landers, playing with the Southern Strangers. The Kerry Gilbert band was wonderful, as usual.
There was an amazing number of fine hats. These unique hats are only seen on very special days.
There was also an amazing number of politicians, totally expected with an election coming up in November.
The couple sitting beside us bought one of the puppies, and named it Blaze. Blaze is just a few weeks old, but that baby knows how to howl.
Barbecue plates for lunch. Hub had to stand in line a long time to get one for us.
There was a buck dancing contest. People were crowded around the stage and it was hard to see. This little lady found her a place in the cemetery and showed us some moves. If that fiddle music gets in your shoes, you just have to let it out.
The cemetery was bright with fresh plastic flowers.
I usually fuss (just ask Hub) when people bring pets to festivals and outdoor events. Several years ago, there was an incident at the Nashville Flea Market that didn't end well at all because one couple didn't realize that everyone didn't love their dogs as much as they did. But, I guess it is proper to bring them to a coon dog celebration.
It is hard to estimate the size of the crowd, because they are so spread out. Also, people came and went all day. All I know is there was a passel of us there yesterday.
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