The Northwest Alabama state fair has come and gone, and not many even noticed. The fair used to be something we waited for, longed for, all during the hot summer. The week before the fair, promoters would install a huge spotlight that would sweep across the sky to remind folks to get ready. We would sit outside and watch that light and talk about what all we were going to do once we got to that fair! Over thirty years ago, I was attending a monthly home demonstration club, and the leaders there encouraged us to enter our food and crafts in the fair competitions. So I entered some things, helping to insure there would be no empty shelves in the exhibition hall. To my utter delight, I won a blue ribbon for my whole wheat bread and my elderberry jelly! I have been taking things to the fair since then. I fear that the fair and its exhibits will pass away with my generation. The times, they do change. Until then, I'll continue to take things as long as I'm able. In celebra...
Bloggy Randomness. All text and images copyright of wandastricklinrobertson.