Today is John Tyler's 222 birthday. He was never meant to be President, and wasn't a very popular one. William Henry Harrison, who had killed a lot of native Americans in the Battle of Tippecanoe, ran for president on a 'let's all party' platform, and picked his old chum, Tyler, from Virginia as his running mate. Tyler wasn't real interested in politics, but his name worked well in the slogan, "Tippecanoe and Tyler, too". Harrison was so excited about being president that he spoke for two hours in the cold March rain and wind during his inauguration. He developed a cold, which went to his chest and turned into pneumonia. Harrison died on April 4th, when he was still trying to fill his cabinet. Tyler was enjoying his life in Virginia as an aristocrat, drinking fine wine, reading poetry, and making babies (he had eight at this time). He was against almost everything. After he became president, he vetoed so many bi...