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Showing posts from June, 2011

Wordless Wednesday

Folklife Fridays: Is that a chigger?

I have to admit that summer in the South isn't perfect. There are the numerous snakes, gnats, mosquitoes, and other UFO's that plague us during these sultry months. One of the nastiest ones, chiggers, can't be seen with the naked eye, which is probably a good thing. If they were as big as an ant, it would surely mean instant death to anything they were able to climb on and sink into. My siblings and I spent every warm day of our youth playing outside, in the woods and fields, usually barefooted. We all had chigger bites from the time school ended until the cold weather ran them back in the ground. Sometimes, our brown naked legs would look like the Appalachian foothills on a miniature scale. The beautiful butterfly weed, Asclepias tuberosa , grows wild in our area. I have always loved it but we were afraid to get near it because it was also a favorite of chiggers. Its common name in this area is chigger weed, so I guess my mom was right when she warned us to stay away from ...

Wordless Wednesday

Folklife Friday: Baptizing in the Creek

My friend, Shellie Rushing Tomlinson, the Belle of All Things Southern, had a cute story about river baptizing in her "All Things Southern" newsletter this week ( It got me to thinking about some baptisms that I witnessed in my long-gone and wasted youth. We were not a church-going family on a regular basis, but we did go occasionally for strictly social purposes. I was a pure heathen; church to me was a totally fun event that was temporarily interrupted by a sermon. Most of this church going took place in the summer, when annual revival meetings where held. This summer-time holiness tradition began before the days of cars and pickup trucks, when people walked or rode wagons to church. It had to be after the crops were laid by. In the little church we randomly attended, you didn't mess with tradition. Some years, a large tent would be erected in a pasture nearby for those who wouldn't be caught dead near a church house. A visiting evange...

Wordless Wednesday